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The next instalment... - Walk in Africa
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Walk in Africa / Other  / The next instalment…
10 Nov

The next instalment…

The 3rd day of “the Mountains In The Sea” Trail is a very easy walk and our team was remarkably chipper when starting off

The wind had come up from the north west and created some dramatic visual effects with cloud draped over The Sentinel

We stopped to inspect the wreck of The Kakapo – a ship which was “wrecked” in 1900. The ship was headed from Cape Town to Australia. In the mist Captain Nicholayson mistook Chapman’s Peak for Cape Point and instructed his crew to steer the ship right onto the Nordhoek beach, where it has remained ever since. In case you collect trivia, some of the scenes from the 1970’s movie “Ryan’s Daughter” were filmed on this beach!

We crossed a tiny stream at the end of the beach . . . and Barbara made such a meal of it that Rob had to go back and help her

We were fortunate to see a Black Eagle flying very low over us. Later we found a tortoise that had had its shell damaged in a fire. Just to prove to us that the shell of a tortoise is in fact alive and vascularised, we found a tick firmly attached

We found some beautiful scarab beetles feeding on (and pollinating) the flowers of a pincushion protea (Leucospermum conocarpodendron)

We enjoyed lunch in an idyllic setting

In fact so idyllic, that some members of the party dozed off

In spite of a wonderful walk, it seemed that everyone was pleased to reach the hotel!

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