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Following the footsteps of Eve - Walk in Africa
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Walk in Africa / Uncategorized  / Following the footsteps of Eve
25 Dec

Following the footsteps of Eve

I’m currently doing some wonderful walks with Malcolm & Helen Scott, who did the Mountains In The Sea trail with me several years ago. We are currently

walking in the Cape West Coast Biosphere.

The CWCB project involves the local communities and provides skills and employment. Over the years I’ve seen many optimistic community projects that have failed or delivered sub-standard services, but this is certainly not the case here. The trails that we are doing are still in their infancy but already provide a very high standard from all of the many community service providers involved. Walk In Africa will certainly be offering these trails in the future. Please contact me if you are interested in these very relaxing and beautiful trails that immerse one in the culture of The West Coast.

We started our walks by exploring the tall shifting dunes,

where we found a fossil embedded in some rock.

The birdlife in this National Park is fantastic and we obtained excellent views of this African Spoonbill

Later in the day we tried to see the sight where “Eve’s footprint” was discovered, but we got into deep water!

Eve’s footprints are a set of three fossilised footprints that have been dated to be 117,000 years old. They are believed to be the footprints of an early Homo sapiens woman who because of the age at which the prints were left, is considered to represent the oldest female lineage of modern humans.





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