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Cape Town City Walks Archives - Walk in Africa
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Walk in Africa / Posts tagged "Cape Town City Walks"
2 Aug

Slave Sex Scandal

Sex is an awesomely powerful force about which we prefer not to talk. However its force is blatantly obvious. Just look at how many people there are on the planet! We are pretty accustomed to the historical stories of free white mbuy cialis onlineembers of society taking sexual advantage of enslaved women. What doesn’t get much airtime are the historical interracial romances which involved willing partners – and there are many of these. The juiciest bit of scandal that we have so far discovered involved Hester Jansz. She was a...

1 Jun

Italian fans

We've been hard at work developing and refining our fantastic new tour called "Sex & Slaves in The City". Recently, while Dean Paarman was practising, an Italian journalist asked if she could join us. We were delighted to have an objective person attend. Roberta mentioned that she had other commi"el Arte Del Orgs. Femenino" Por: Kevin Adamstments but would like to join the tour-practice for a few minutes. Well, she was still with us 2 hours later when Dean completed the tour...

11 May

The reality of Cape Town slavery

Most of us are aware that there were slaves at The Cape some time in the past. But how much do you know about the reality of slavery? I am amazed that slavery even existed. The idea of owning another human being is bizarre and reminds us of the baser side of human nature.Do you know that children could be sold as slaves separately from their mothers? In about 1657 Jan van Riebeeck was given the gift of a slave by the name of Clein Eva. She was 5 years...