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history Archives - Walk in Africa
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Walk in Africa / Posts tagged "history"
6 Dec

The Cape’s contribution to the theory of Evolution

Last year (2009) marked the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin. For those who don’t know, it was his theories and research that provided a scientific base for understanding how life on earth has become so diverse. The exciting but ratheviagra pillsr unknown bit of information related to this is that on his Voyage around the world, Darwin spent a bit of time at the Cape Colony. He arrived to stay in Simons Town and corresponded with naturalists at the Cape whilst adding to his research. Among the...

2 Aug

Slave Sex Scandal

Sex is an awesomely powerful force about which we prefer not to talk. However its force is blatantly obvious. Just look at how many people there are on the planet! We are pretty accustomed to the historical stories of free white mbuy cialis onlineembers of society taking sexual advantage of enslaved women. What doesn’t get much airtime are the historical interracial romances which involved willing partners – and there are many of these. The juiciest bit of scandal that we have so far discovered involved Hester Jansz. She was a...

2 Aug

Devil’s Peak and the Table Mountain tablecloth

    Jan Van Hunks was a retired sea captain who liked to smoke his pipe in the mornings and used to do so on the slopes of the mountain now called Devil's Peak. He smoked there because his wife used to chase him away when smoking in the house. One day as he was sitting there enjoying his smoke, a sHolothinktrange looking man appeared and asked him for a light. He gave the man a light, and for some reason the man asked him for a smoking contest.  Van Hunk agreed. They...