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Western Cape Archives - Walk in Africa
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Walk in Africa / Posts tagged "Western Cape"
21 Apr

Walking The Walk

The most scenic hike in the world? Article and images as appeared on go2africa.com by Dominic Chadbon, 9 September 2008 On the face of it, it did seem like a poor proposition: walk up some steep mountains, look at a bunch of plants, and then...

21 Apr

Wild cape wander: Table Mountain, South Africa

Travelmag published this story “. . . the clothing, skull and bones of the soldier given up for lost on the 30th of last month were found at the extremity of the Lion Mountain, about 300 roods* from the beach. The cranium was half bitten off, so it is presumed that he was devoured by a lion” - journal entry of the governor of The Cape Colony, 12 September 1659. No longer do lions roam the foothills of Table Mountain but its proximity to the bustling urban fare of cosmopolitan Cape Town...