+27 (0) 71 361 2711

Mon - Fri 8.00 - 17.00

Skeleton Gorge/Smuts' Track - Walk in Africa
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Skeleton Gorge/Smuts’ Track

Walk in Africa / Skeleton Gorge/Smuts’ Track

Skeleton Gorge/Smuts’ Track

per person

This iconic and historical ascent starts at Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden.

Skeleton Gorge ascends through dense forest before reaching the back table. It then continues to the highest point of Table Mountain before descending via the cableway.

Difficulty: The initial ascent is very steep and involves some ladders.


Everyone walks at a different pace. The durations indicated are averages.

The temperature at the top of the mountain is lower than the temperature at the start.

We will proceed with this trip in wind and rain. Please check the weather and let us know 24 hours before the tour whether you will be coming.

*Minimum of two people

Email for a quote – reservations@walkinafrica.com

Book now

  • Departure
    Entrance to Kirstenbosch Gardens
  • Departure Time
  • Return Time
  • Dress Code
    Please be advised to carry a windbreaker or fleece.
  • Include
    Snack Pack
    Packed Lunch
    Fully Guided Tour
  • Not Included
    Tickets / Entry Fees

Tour Location

Skeleton Gorge, Table Mountain

Skeleton Gorge, Table Mountain
  • Bastien Sanchez
    December 31, 2018 at 1:08 pm

    Fantastique randonnée jusqu’au sommet de table mountain. L’ascenscion se fait sur un parcours ombragé. Steve a pris le temps malgré mon niveau d’anglais moyen de m’expliquer la faune, la flore, et l’histoire de ce lieu singulier. Très intéressant.

  • Bastien Sanchez
    January 2, 2019 at 5:34 pm

    Magnifique randonnée jusqu’au sommet de Table Mountain avec une grande partie ombragée dans skeleton gorge. Steve m’a guidé en me faisant partager sa passion pour ce lieu unique. Il a pris le temps malgré mon niveau d’anglais moyen de m’expliquer la faune, la flore et l’histoire du cap. à faire absolument.

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