Wonderful winter weather in Cape Town
We have been fortunate to have wonderful late-winter weather in Cape Town.
Earlier this week I was privileged to guide a young honeymoon couple on a full-day Table Mountain walk. John and Sarah Edwards from Oklahoma, USA, came to South Africa on their honeymoon and decided to immerse themselves in Table Mountain for a day.
They are a pretty energetic couple so we decided to “make a meal” of the outing and started on The Atlantic Ocean side
ascending through Afro-montane forest onto the back table. We then crossed eastwards passing the dams and ascending to join the famous Smuts’ Track.
Enjoying views to the Hottentots Holland Mountains in the east, we continued to the summit at Maclear’s Beacon (1087m).
We then took the scenic route along the lip of Table Mountain (not for the acrophobic), with great views onto the city bowl and The Lion.
Finally we crossed Gabriel’s Gap and wound back around to the western side of the mountain, where we enjoyed stunning panoramas of the Twelve Apostles and a rewarding view of the route we had taken.
This week I am guiding my iconic 5-day Mountains in the Sea Trail. Watch this space for updates!