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Mountain Zebra Archives - Walk in Africa
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Walk in Africa / Mountain Zebra
11 Mar

Back from the brink (part two)

In the past few months I have been extremely fortunate to see Cape Mountain Zebra several times. Many people think a zebra is a zebra is a zebra, but this is not true at all. The Mountain Zebra differs considerably from the Plains Zebra which is commonly seen in many parts of Africa. As you can see in this photo the Mountain Zebra have a distinct dewlap on their throat. Not only are their black stripes narrower and more numerous but they lack the faint shadow stripe seen in Plain's Zebra and...

30 Dec

An adventure with David Livingstone

This week I enjoyed a peach of a day with David Livingstone - Seriously! His family came along as well, and his wife's name is Debbie - not Mary Moffat. He hails from New York rather than Scotland and he is not exactly a protestant missionary. You see this is a contemporary David Livingstone but nonetheless he was exploring Africa and we hiked in the Table Mountain National Park on a fat juicy perfect day. [caption id="attachment_2477" align="aligncenter" width="300"] A peach of a day in paradise[/caption] We were fortunate enough to see two...