+27 (0) 71 361 2711

Mon - Fri 8.00 - 17.00

Woody Buttress - Walk in Africa
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Walk in Africa / Woody Buttress

Woody Buttress

per person

This route is for adrenaline junkies. It involves much scrambling and many short pitches.

There is a lot of exposure. It is a day of spectacular views and tons of fun.

Difficulty: Very steep. Scrambling and climbing – but ropes are not required.  This is NOT a route for those with a fear of heights or those who are uncomfortable with exposure. It does involve some very easy climbing.


Everyone walks at a different pace. The durations indicated are averages.

The operation of the cablecar is dependent on wind strength. On occasions when the cablecar is not operating, clients may walk up AND down. Bear in mind that this requires a greater degree of fitness and is demanding on the knees. Also the hike will then take about 5 – 6.5 hours.

The temperature at the top of the mountain is lower than the temperature at the start. Please be advised to carry a windbreaker or fleece.

We will proceed with this trip in wind and rain. Please check the weather and let us know 24 hours before the tour whether you will be coming.

*Minimum of two people

Email for a quote – reservations@walkinafrica.com

Book now

  • Departure
    Theresa Avenue Jeep Trail, Camps Bay
  • Departure Time
  • Return Time
  • Dress Code
    Please bring a windbreaker or fleece along.
  • Include
    Snack Pack
    Packed Lunch
    Fully Guided Tour
  • Not Included
    Tickets / Entry Fees

Tour Location

Woody Buttress, Table Mountain

Woody Buttress, Table Mountain

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