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Mountains in the Sea - Walk in Africa
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Walk in Africa / Other  / Mountains in the Sea
26 Feb

Mountains in the Sea

Right now I am walking the length of the Mountains in The Sea with Tom & Janet Muskett. Day two dawned one of those magical days that force me to acknowledge that I live in the most beautiful city in the world. Yes, the weather was warm for walking . . . but the rewards far outweighed the heat.
Fortunately most of the morning was spent walking in shade. The cliffs of Blackburn Ravine were as inspirational as ever.

Views across the bay to the Sentinel
were spectacular.

The sea colour was unbelievable!

In spite of the heat, we eventually made it to the top and had a

well-deserved rest there. The views were more breathtaking than usual (if that can be believed).

When we began our descent we were treated to new views across Long Beach and beyond.

We stopped during the descent in order to appreciate the incomparable views.

Even Kili enjoyed the view!
