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Mountains in the Sea - Day Three - Walk in Africa
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Walk in Africa / Other  / Mountains in the Sea – Day Three
31 Mar

Mountains in the Sea – Day Three

Day three of this Mountains in the Sea Trail dawned cool and misty – too misty for photographs. This was a welcome change from the blistering heat we had experienced the day before. But by the time we had crossed the beach, Chapman’s Peak – our nemesis, was visible and the mist was burning off.

Two hours later and the heat had returned. And so our arrival at Kleinplaas Dam was especially welcome.

Along the route we were treated to the sight of a Blood Flower (Haemanthus species). These intriguing and exquisite flowers from the Daffodil Family survive the harsh dry summer of the Western Cape by allowing all their above ground parts to dry up during this season in order to prevent water loss. Then in the late summer, just before the

rains, the vibrant flowers appear – without the leaves. The seeds ripen at the start of the rainy season so that they have the whole of the wet winter in which to germinate and become established. The flat leathery leaves emerge only well after the flowers have finished flowering.

The walk was suitably short and manageable after the challenging walk of the previous day, and to see our destination of Simonstown Harbour below us was very welcome.

Have a careful look at the photo and you will see some of the naval frigates, which have been at the centre of South Africa’s political controversy and upheaval!
