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Mountains in the Sea - The last day - Walk in Africa
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Walk in Africa / Other  / Mountains in the Sea – The last day
28 Apr

Mountains in the Sea – The last day

Many people consider the last day of the Mountains In The Sea Trail to be the most spectacular. I reserve judgement on that, but it certainly rates as one of the most beautiful walks in South Africa. The day I guided the Musketts and Barry Gregg on the trail we had a very special surprise indulgence. Soon after starting the trail we came across two of the extremely rare Cape Point Klipspringers.

These remarkable creatures are adapted to living in rocky areas, and are incredibly agile on precipitous cliffs.

We were blessed with exquisite weather. Our first view for the day of the iconic Cape Point was breathtaking, and set the tone for the remainder of

the day.

A little later we looked back along the route we had walked and, quite frankly, the view was just as remarkable.

Not long before reaching the end of the trail we watched a Mountain Pride Butterfly (Aeropetes tulbaghia) feeding on a Mountain Pipes flower (Tritoniopsis triticea).

In a later blog I will describe the fascinating ecological significance of this photograph.
