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Mountains in the Sea - Day 2 - Walk in Africa
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Walk in Africa / Other  / Mountains in the Sea – Day 2
6 Nov

Mountains in the Sea – Day 2

The weather forecast promised cool temperatures with a stiff breeze, which is exactly what we wanted for the very long challenging walk that awaited us. . . but in fact the day dawned hot and windless and became steadily hotter as the day progressed.

We stopped for a snack on some rocks overlooking Hout Bay

As we progressed, the views of the bay below were picture-perfect

This is vast big-sky country. Wonderful walking with superb vistas

Kili enjoyed a rest in the shade

In fact when the heat became unbearable even the indomitable Lancastrians (and Yorkshireman) took refuge in the shade of a small cave

Close to the end of our walk we came across these gorgeous flowers which look to me like an oil painting of yellow Nemesias


  • sabbey
    November 9, 2009 at 4:25 am

    Dear Steve,It is fun to be back in Cape Town with you while I work in CA. Hard to imagine it being so hot as our temps were so mild in August. I have not forgotten that I promised you Michael Polen's book Botany of Desire. Where would be the best place to send it. Let Bernie know all is well in the Oakland hills. We have had rain and the danger of fires has passed for this year. Regards, Suzanne Abbey

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