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S stunning - Walk in Africa
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Walk in Africa / Other  / S stunning
12 Feb

S stunning

What a day! I’m not sure how I can limit this posting to just a few pictures . . . so I may have to do two postings for the one walk. It was just too much fun and too beautiful to fit into one short post.
Kili was determined to look handsome and so assumed a pose on every prominent rock.

The ascent from Simonstown was much easier than everyone had been led to believe. And once at the top, the views improved all day. Here the Atlantic Ocean and False Bay (influenced by the Indian Ocean) are both clearly visible on either side of the Peninsula.

And then the ascent did become a little steep. At this point we are more than 1,875 feet above the sea.

The team decided it was time to send a semaphore message – and as you can see they quite clearly spelled “RUY” and then Linda requested annulment of this “word”. It was time that we overcame differences in accent and tried communicating verbally because I didn’t understand “RUY” and anyway Linda was determined (symbolically – that is) that the message should be cancelled.

Eventually it was explained to me that they were copying the Beatles off their immortal (unlike poor John) album called “HELP”. Well if you are not too young, you will probably be aware that on that album cover The Beatles were desperately signalling the word “NUJV”!
It is really not surprising that Linda, Ken, Judy & Gordon didn’t receive any HELP. In fact it is not surprising that John, Paul, George & Ringo didn’t receive any either!

Tomorrow we will be having spelling lessons instead of walking.

We did get some smashing (they use that word in Rutland – don’t they?) portraits:

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