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On top of the clouds - Walk in Africa
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Walk in Africa / Cape Peninsula  / On top of the clouds
24 Jun

On top of the clouds

Yesterday a family from San Francisco joined me for a walk up Table Mountain.  They couldn’t have chosen a better day! It was one of those magical, crystal-clear winter days. We ascended in sunshine and when we arrived at the summit and looked westward, we discovered that we were above the clouds. I always get a thrill when looking down onto clouds from a mountain top.






he day was made extra special for me by the presence of a dear friend and one of southern Africa ’s truly great wildlife guides. Alan McSmith came along to learn a little about fynbos and it was wonderful to have a little time with him.



We work regularly with Alan and can highly recommend him as an affiliate guide for wildlife safaris in the Greater Kruger and Botswana.
