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Devil's Peak and the Table Mountain tablecloth - Walk in Africa
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Walk in Africa / Table Mountain  / Devil’s Peak and the Table Mountain tablecloth
2 Aug

Devil’s Peak and the Table Mountain tablecloth



Jan Van Hunks was a retired sea captain who liked to smoke his pipe in the mornings and used to do so on the slopes of the mountain now called Devil's Peak. He smoked there because his wife used to chase him away when smoking in the house. One day as he was sitting there enjoying his smoke, a s

trange looking man appeared and asked him for a light. He gave the man a light, and for some reason the man asked him for a smoking contest.  Van Hunk agreed. They started puffing away trying to defeat each other, and after a while the cloud of smoke covered the whole of the mountain like a giant table cloth. (This still happens today when the South Easterly wind is blowing.)


Eventually the stranger conceded defeat and stumbled away, coughing and spluttering off the mountain. As the man was leaving Van Hunk caught sight of his red, barbed tail sticking out from underneath his jacket and realised he had been puffing away with the Devil. The mountain is today still called Devil's Peak and every time the southeaster blows and the mist covers the mountain, it is called the table cloth.

