Over the Hill
Actually the title of this article does not refer to me – nor to Kili (and obviously not to Meru).
://walkinafrica.ilocals.info/files/2010/11/The-guides.jpg” alt=”” width=”448″ height=”336″ />
It refers to the route that we walked today. We started on the beach and walked to the wreck of the Kakapo, which went down (actually ‘up’ in this case) in 1900. Captain Nicholayson miscalculated his position under conditions of poor visibility and instead of rounding The Cape of Good Hope, he parked his ship on Noordhoek Beach!
A little later we found an enormous log which was part of a ships cargo that was jettisoned during a storm. We had a graphic demonstration from my companions of just how strong the Finns really are.
Can you spot the non-Finn in the picture below?
We saw these beautiful, but dangerous blister beetles (Mylabris sp) feeding on powderpuff flowers (Pseudoselago sp):