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The predatory plant that does not eat its prey - Walk in Africa
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Walk in Africa / Hike  / The predatory plant that does not eat its prey
7 Dec

The predatory plant that does not eat its prey

I recently went walking in the Hermanus mountains with Gill & Jim Young. It was glorious day and in case you’ve never had the good fortune to walk there, this is how the views looks:

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However, we weren’t simply enjoying the walk. We were on a mission . . . to find the rare plant Roridula gorgonias. This strange plant is related to the insect-eating Sundews (Drosera species) and in fact also has sticky drops of glue with which it captures insects – but does NOT eat them!

The plant has a symbiotic relationship with a bug which is able to walk unaffected across its sticky glue. The bug eats the insects trapped by the plant and the plant benefits by absorbing nutrients from the insects droppings!

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