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Hanging out with the Spiderheads - Walk in Africa
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Walk in Africa / Cape Peninsula  / Hanging out with the Spiderheads
25 Jan

Hanging out with the Spiderheads

We were walking in a favourite part of Table Mountain National Park, when Shoshi took a leap of faith and decided to literally “hang-out”. I can’t say I blamed her. The view was superb and its always great to have some space under one.

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The day was made all the more special by these hairy Spiderheads (Serruria hirsuta).

Belive it or not these beautiful flowers are members of the Protea family. They are extremely rare and this is the only known population of the species in the world. There are approximately 1500 specimens in existence . . . and we were graced with seeing them in flower. Weren’t we lucky

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