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Of dogs, dolphins, docks, dazzling beauty and dyes - Walk in Africa
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Walk in Africa / Dolphins  / Of dogs, dolphins, docks, dazzling beauty and dyes
6 Jun

Of dogs, dolphins, docks, dazzling beauty and dyes

If you’ve been following the eternal sunshine of my random mind, you will recall a character who featured in one of my recent posts. His name is Ovid Jacota and he enjoys walking and he loves animals – especially dogs. I think that he trusts them

better than he trusts humans – which is wise. Anyway he went walking with Kili & Meru, and we tagged along.

We were extra privileged to see this enormous school of Dolphins swimming in the ocean below. They weren’t very close nor very clear but they were there . . . and it was Table Mountain walking special.

I couldn’t resist including the “docks” in the title – just for the alliteration. But we did have wonderful views of a harbour, and some might consider the word “dock” to be synonymous with the word “harbour”, so:



And the “dazzling beauty” was easy to justify. It was just another perfect day at the southern-end of Africa – perfect temperatures, perfect light, perfect company and of course dazzling scenery.


But from where did I conjure the “dyes”? Was it from the eternal randomness of my mind? Or was it just downright “chutzpah” so that I could stretch the alliteration? No not at all!

Along the way we were treated to exquisite displays of Indigofera cytisoides. This beautiful flower is from the pea family. The name of the genus “Indigofera” means “bearing indigo” and refers to its cousin (Indigofera tinctoria), originally from Asia and from which the original dye ‘indigo’ was produced.

Anyway – you should have been there.

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