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Refreshingly outdated airport - Walk in Africa
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Walk in Africa / Uncategorized  / Refreshingly outdated airport
1 Jul

Refreshingly outdated airport

It is safari season and so I must leave Table Mountain walks for a while and continue my adventuring further north for a short while. I am en route to The Okavango Delta in Botswana and yesterday evening I landed at Francistown international


I flew from Cape Town airport via Oliver Tambo airport in Johannesburg to Francistown. These South African airports have recently been renovated and modernised and now compete in image and content with the largest shopping centres in the world. To me it seems like our obsession with the consumption of commodities has consumed us and we are no longer able to even travel without shopping.

So it was rather refreshing to land at Francistown International Airport!


Francistown International Airport

PS: The room which the passengers serves as Immigration office, Customs office AND baggage collection. The room measures about 3 metres by 5 metres.


  • The Pinchhitter
    September 25, 2011 at 3:53 am

    They have a new (read “proper”) international airport now in Francistown. It opened to travellers in early September 2011.

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