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Monster flood in the Okavango - Walk in Africa
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Walk in Africa / Uncategorized  / Monster flood in the Okavango
12 Jul

Monster flood in the Okavango

Many visitors to The Okavango Delta struggle with the apparent paradox of an annual flood in the dry season followed by receding waters in the rainy season. The reason for this apparent paradox is that the waters which contribute to the flood orig

inate in the Angolan highlands and it takes several months for the waters from this rainfall to make its way into The Okavamgo River and percolate through the Okavango Delta.

This year the flood level is at a record high. I have just returned from the (once was village) city of Maun on the Thamalakane River, which carries most of the water that emerges from The Delta. I have witnessed the annual flood many times since the early 1980’s but this year’s flood is exceptional.

Already homes are flooded or in imminent danger of flooding, and it is predicted that the water will still rise another 15cm over the forthcoming days and weeks.

Moremi Game Reserve and The Delta itself are unrecognisable. Floodplains are filled for the first time in decades and encroaching trees have been drowned. Roads are under water everywhere, and it is even more beautiful than usual.

I had some incredible experiences on foot there. Keep an eye open for a youtube release . . .

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