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Finns in the mist - Walk in Africa
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Walk in Africa / Cape Peninsula  / Finns in the mist
9 Nov

Finns in the mist

The weather today was not as fine as yesterday, but forunately it was not as hot as I have experienced it here before.


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We were very fortunate to still have most of the magnificent views of this walk because the mist lifted when we approached Hout Bay.

Kili loved the walk but was misbehaved and so he & I had an argument.

As usual I set-up a safety rope at the ladder and everyone used it and appreciated having it there.

Toward the end of the walk the mist settled-in thick and wet and cold. By the end of the walk everyone was keen to have a hot drink and get  somewhere warm. Unfortunately the weather had precipitated a rock fall forcing us to detour and our expected 5 minute drive to the hotel became a 40 minute drive!


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