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The very best job in the world - Walk in Africa
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Walk in Africa / Flowers  / The very best job in the world
27 Jan

The very best job in the world

Recently I guided a fantastic walk up Table Mountain with a group of Swedes. It was great fun to be with them because they were energetic and enthusiastic.

Blog groupThey all work in the wine industry in a wonderful country so I thought they had a pretty good work life. I was therefore a little taken aback when at our lunch-stop, someone said to me “Wow! You have the very best job in the world”.

And as the day wore-on and we were treated to the sight of the very first Disa uniflora of the year I began to be reminded . . .

Blog Disa unifloraAnd then we saw a determined cloudlet skidding across the mountains toward the Atlantic Ocean, peering down at the coastal villages and the rocky shores

Blog viewand then I knew that they had been correct – I do have the very best job in the world!