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Passing the baton in the Kogelberg - Walk in Africa
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Walk in Africa / Uncategorized  / Passing the baton in the Kogelberg
10 Feb

Passing the baton in the Kogelberg

My brothers Joel B & Dovi K and I have walked together in the mountains of The Cape, in the bush of Zimbabwe, in Yosemite in California, in Yellowstone in Wyoming, The Trinity Alps, The Sierra Nevadas, The Kenai Peninsula, The Stikine River . . .

Blog Trinity Cabin

And so last week it was a very special day when Joel B & I are were able to walk in the exquisite Kogelberg Mountains with two representatives of the next generation – my firstborn Dylan and my nephew Joel K. What a pleasure (and a thump).

Kogelberg team smallIn fact I realise (& have proof) that I have carried them both in the past:



Joel K

Joel K