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Riots spread south - Walk in Africa
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Walk in Africa / Uncategorized  / Riots spread south
1 Sep

Riots spread south

A header

Everything was calm at Skilpad nature reserve, until we noticed advancing colours –

A orange rioters

And soon it was another riot of colour . . .

A orange motion

To be honest it was mostly orange. A riot of orange  . . .

A Skilpad orange

This dominance by a single species is a result of the land having been disturbed by agriculture in the past. These orange Ursinias are pioneering species and will dominate the spring landscape for a while as the ecology recovers and diversifies.

Nonetheless the sight of a brilliant living, orange carpet stretching into the distant hills is breathtaking.

A windmill

And seeing a herd of Hartebees resting in comfort of the flowers was a bonus . . .

A hartebees