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Cape Town Nature Reserves - Central and Southern Regions - Walk in Africa
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Walk in Africa / Cape Point  / Cape Town Nature Reserves – Central and Southern Regions
31 Mar

Cape Town Nature Reserves – Central and Southern Regions

We continue to keep you informed with the second part of our Cape Town Nature Reserves list. And just like before, some interesting information and pictures have been added. At Walk in Africa Hiking Trails, we like to be thorough and up to date with everything. If you want to check out the north and eastern regions, just click here.

Cape Town Nature Reserves – Southern Region

  • Rondevlei Nature Reserve

The Rondevlei Nature Reserve is primarily a bird sanctuary, being home to about 230 species. It spans over 290 HA of land and serves as a critical breeding ground for these birds. Other mammals also call the reserve home, such as porcupines and hippopotamus. In terms of facilities, there are observation towers and a hiking trail, among many other things.

cape town nature reserve

  • Zandvlei Estuary Nature Reserve

It’s the only functioning estuary on Cape Town’s False Bay coast, and it’s a wetland sanctuary for 166 bird species. There are 20 different type of reptile species that join the birds on this 300 HA of land, in addition to other endangered plantation.

zandvlei cape town nature reserve

Smaller Southern Nature Reserves

  • De Hel Nature Area

You’ll find 21 HA of indigenous forest and a protected river valley at the De Hel Nature Area. However, several endangered wildlife species are safe here as well, such as the Western Leopard Toad and the Knysa warbler. In terms of plant species, there are several hundreds, including Silvertree.

de hel cape town nature reserve

  • Die Oog Conservation Area

This is the smallest conservation on our list, stretching only 1.2 HA, but it’s also very convenient. Die Oog Conservation Area can be found in the Bergvliet suburb of Cape Town, and it attractions include an artificial island.

  • Glencairn Wetland

The Glencairn Wetland reserve protects the indigenous Cape wetland of the lower Else River. It’s only 20 HA big, bit it hosts an amazing and diverse plant and animal life. It’s the perfect spot for school excursions and for finding a good fishing area. And better yet, there are several hiking trails you can choose from.

glencairn cape town nature reserve

  • Edith Stephens Wetland Park

This is a large and seasonal wetland, covering 39 HA of land. The initial area of the park was smaller, and donated by the botanist Edith Stephens. She wanted to preserve the Isoetes capensis plants, which don’t grow anywhere else on earth. Now it protects much more than just endangered plants. There are picnic areas, boardwalks and an education center among other things.

Edith_Stephens Cape town nature reserve

Cape Town Nature Reserves – Central Region

  • Durbanville Nature Reserve

Situated next to the Durbanville Racecourse, the Durbanville Nature reserve only stretches 6 HA, but it’s a crucial area. It’s triangular in shape and was established to protect two specific vegetation types. These are the Swartland Shale Renosterveld and the Cape Flats Sand Fynbos. But it’s also a sanctuary for a variety of bird species and animals, such as the Angulate Tortoise.

Durbanville_Nature_Reserve cape town

  • Tygerberg Nature Reserve

Within the 300 HA of vast plant and wildlife species, the Tygerberg Nature Reserve promises the Cape Town hiking trail of a lifetime. It’s got more than 500 plant species, along with hundreds of birds and mammals. These include the roaming leopard, the honey badger and even wall snakes.

Tygerberg_Nature_Reserve cape town hiking trail

  • Bracken Nature Reserve

The Bracken Nature Reserve can be found in the suburb of Brackenfell, and it’s 36 HA wide. It aims to protect several plant species that are close to extinction, such as Antimima aristulata. About 160 different species of plant can be appreciated and the footpaths are great for bird watching. Smaller mammals and reptiles join the variety of birds in the area.


  • Uitkamp Wetlands

Situated in the northern suburbs, this is another Cape Town hiking trail must. It spreads across 32 HA of land and protects 140 different plant species. Among those that stand out are the Arum Lilies, Pink Watsonias, along with Restios and orchirds.


Choose the Cape Town Hiking Trail of a Lifetime

There you have the most popular Cape Town Nature reserves in the central and southern regions. And before you start making any plans, always remember that a great guide makes for a great trip. You want professionals with knowledge and skill leading you down the breathtaking pathways. More importantly, you want a guide who is truly passionate about nature.

Go ahead and look at our Cape Town hiking trail packages. We cater to everyone, whether you are close-by or visiting from abroad. Plus, we are motivated to make the trip memorable.